Tuesday, January 2, 2007

New Comic

Just needed a little something to break the ice...been awhile since I've done anything with these guys...Tried some new things, don't really know if I like them or not yet...More fun to come!!

The Comic has returned!!! Sort of!!!

Well it's been way to long since I have posted any comic work, so this has become the home of the Tipped Tank Comic for the time being! Expect all the updates to be here, and any news from the Tipped Tank world to you right here on this very page! Welcome all! Enjoy the whackiness that shall insue!! Oh and as a special bonus feature, I shall include links to all of the older comics here so you can see how it has evolved over the past year....

Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
Comic 4
Comic 6 (Pencils Done by Mike Jungbluth)
Comic 7
Comic 8
Comic 9
Comic 10

Damn has it already been almost 2 years since I created this? What the hell has happened to the time? Why did I only get 10 done? Some very good questions...answers lie in the wonderful retail world which has apparently stolen a good part of that time...sooooooo expect to see those crazy antics included in the new, upgraded, updated look and feel....Of Tipped Tank....Good bye Cut Outs, the tank just ran you over...before getting blasted upside down....